Doomsday Clock
By Peter Schulte profile image Peter Schulte
2 min read

Doomsday Clock

We now visibly witness the world seemingly crumbling before our eyes. We hear alarm bell after alarm bell after alarm bell. We watch in terror as the Doomsday Clock ticks down to midnight.

Where I live in the Pacific Northwest, uncontrolled summer wildfires have become a devastating but inevitable part of the annual cycle. Usually sometime in August, smoke fills the sky, turning the sun a ghostly red, filling my nostrils with a dusty burn. I grieve the endless expanses of forest choked up in flames. I have to tell Owen it isn’t safe to play outside today. I wonder how much worse it will be next year. I wonder how many trees will be left by the time my sons are my age.

By Peter Schulte profile image Peter Schulte
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Humanity Is Beautiful